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Nombre de messages : 55
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Date d'inscription : 01/05/2008

MapEquip - Version 2.0 Empty MapEquip - Version 2.0

Sam 21 Nov 2009 - 2:50
MapEquip - Equipaments on Map Screen
Version: 2.0
By Rafidelis(RafiScripts)


The first version of this script was released on September 22, 2008, when I started to learn RGSS.
So, after almost a year, was going through this topic and when I saw my script I thought 'aff, that horrible code!'.
Then decide totally rewrite the script, and this new version lags and bugs are almost impossible (see the feature )session to see what's new.


-View the equipment in the Vertical (|) or Horizontal (_)
-Displays the attack or defense of equipment.
-Show / Hide the equipment through a key.
-Use a background image if desired.
-Displaying a text, in 'empty' equipment slots
-Compatible with scripts that increase the amount of equipment slots.
-Updated only when some equipment is modified, thus totally avoids the possible lags.


First up,paste above the main, then edit the settings in the editing section of the script, if the option to use image is active, the image should be in the picture folder, with the name defined in the script.See Screenshots section to find some images to use.


MapEquip - Version 2.0 Mapequippt0MapEquip - Version 2.0 Mapequippt1

Images to be used as Background:
MapEquip - Version 2.0 Equipback
MapEquip - Version 2.0 Equipback2
MapEquip - Version 2.0 Equipback3


MapEquip - Ruby Code

Terms of Use

- If you use this script, you do not have to include my name in
credits, but I'd like you to give the deserved credits; D
- You can use this script on non-commercial games, if you want to use in
some commercial game, please get in touch with me and we entered into an agreement.
- You can distribute / modify / edit this script, but can not withdraw
the name of the author and not the link to the forum ReinoRpg.
- Enjoy; D

Nombre de messages : 55
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2008

MapEquip - Version 2.0 Empty Re: MapEquip - Version 2.0

Dim 22 Nov 2009 - 0:59
Yes, I posted the old version in this forum ..
If they want they can delete that topic.
Mist And again thank you for the compliment.
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