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Nombre de messages : 1711
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2009

S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports - Page 2 Empty Re: S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports

Sam 6 Fév 2010 - 12:12
Rinalee a écrit:
S4League ca pue !

Et t'y joues encore ?

Nombre de messages : 223
Age : 28
Localisation : Akatsuki
Date d'inscription : 27/01/2010

S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports - Page 2 Empty Re: S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports

Sam 6 Fév 2010 - 12:13
Si tu y joues encore moi j'y suis aussi ...
Mon pseudo est xuhang aussi

Nombre de messages : 1401
Age : 34
Localisation : Rodez
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2008

S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports - Page 2 Empty Re: S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports

Sam 6 Fév 2010 - 13:25
moi c'est alexdream et contrairement une personne qui se reconaitra je fais pas de multi et je regarde pas la fenêtre de chatte.

S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports - Page 2 Empty Re: S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports

Sam 20 Fév 2010 - 8:05
KR S4: Shiny New Things for you to see! [19.02.2010]
Date: 2/19/2010
Time: 5:35pm EST-5
League: Korean S4
Subject: Ninjas on top of the clouds, falling asteroids and much more.

there everyone, Society-Q here. The people over at Korean S4 League
have just revealed some information on their latest patch. With that
said, let's get on with the show!!!

Next-Gen melee: The Spy Dagger!
to the you by the people over at Pentavision Corporation, we are
pleased the announce the release of the new melee weapon, the Spy
Dagger! This new weapon is great for those looking at swift encounters
and deadly blows. The Spy Dagger packs quite a punch, and provides the
same running speed as a handgun. Of course, the downside of the weapon
is it's short range...though it's speed should pay up for it. Remember
to pick it up if you have the PEN!

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Bringing the battles to the sky! Welcome to Side-3
just when you thought that S4 League couldn't get any wackier. The new
patch will bring about a new TouchDown map called Side-3 (which would
probably be called Station-3 as it immigrates over to EUS4.) This new
slick map is predominantly similar to Station-2. Take your battles to
the skies, and face off upon the S4 League Station Hangars. You'll be
able to play on a section of the entire map, which consists of three
different tunnels.

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map may seem really big, but when you think about it there aren't many
platforms to stand on. It's a lot to die on this stage than one might
think. Remember, be cautious......falling of players may result in a
"THIS IS SPARTA" war cry. You have been warned.

S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports - Page 2 0201_08_RESIZED

The mysterious being from across the galaxy!?
mysterious rock was found near the core of the S4 League Server. The
contents had been digitalized, and had shape shifted into a viral
presence. There's a new chaser in town!!!! Sources indicated that the
chaser will be called "Asda Steriodal" which is derived from the word
"Asteroid." There isn't much known on the stats the stat boosts this
chaser will give (seems like a critical rate boost from my
perspective.) Also, it as speculated that you can only use this chaser
by buying the Asda Steriodal Chaser Doll (cost is unknown at the
moment) from the black item sitting on top of the player's head.

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Patching up Bugs and Errors
with this patch, there will be certain bug and error fixes as well. We
are not sure of what will and will not be fixed at this moment, so stay
tuned to find out more!

Well that about raps things up. Be sure to stop in on KR S4 on the 23rd when this hits
Be sure to check more S4 related news, right here at S4source.com!
As Reiki.Kito would say...

"Y'know the score, get out there and show me your s4!"

Powered by: The S4 Source Reporter Team

Source : http://www.s4source.com/

S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports - Page 2 Empty Re: S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports

Sam 20 Fév 2010 - 17:06
Aperçu de la nouvelle arme :


Aperçu de la nouvelle map :


Vidéo du test d'une de la map, version prototype par un Hacker :

Vidéo du test du nouveau Chaser, version prototype par un Hacker :


Vidéo du test d'une map à venir , nommée City Square , par un Hacker :

Vidéo du test d'une map à venir , nommée City Square 2 , par un Hacker :

ForkBlade :
S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports - Page 2 1266256285
S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports - Page 2 1266256607S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports - Page 2 1266256207

Nombre de messages : 1401
Age : 34
Localisation : Rodez
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2008

S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports - Page 2 Empty Re: S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports

Sam 20 Fév 2010 - 17:32
hum vivement les mises a jour le nouveau katana semble fort sympathique.

S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports - Page 2 Empty Re: S4 League - Stylish eSper Shooting Sports

Sam 20 Fév 2010 - 17:41
Le Katana n'est pas une arme pour joueur : elle appartient a un Boss en mode Arcade qui apparait vers le level 3 ou 4 ...
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