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Nombre de messages : 8
Localisation : Costa Rica
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2009

PinedaVX Empty PinedaVX

Lun 16 Fév 2009 - 18:53
I'm going to present myself in English.

I'm PinedaVX, I don't need a presentation. You guys know me enough to take my resources and post them in your website without permission. I'm famous, I'm good and I'm mad because of that.

I've made a topic about removing my resources (which you'll have to do anyway) and sent a private message to one of the administrators. I run a website about VX and I'm Administrator at another one. A respectable place where we not only produce resources but respect each author and never post their stuff withou permission.

That's all there is to know.


Very Happy

I hope to stick around when you remove my resources (you WILL have to)
Staffeux retraité

Nombre de messages : 1832
Age : 34
Localisation : Paris
Distinction : rubyste déglingué
9ème dan en scripting-no-jutsu

Nouveau Justine Beber ;P
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2007

PinedaVX Empty Re: PinedaVX

Lun 16 Fév 2009 - 19:13
Okay, all right !
Calm down, I know it's really annoying, but being angry about it doesn't solve the problem.
You know, I found my scripts everywhere...
Don't cry we are going to arrange everything !
You gotta just tell us what resources are yours!


PS: Wellcome there Wink

Nombre de messages : 8
Localisation : Costa Rica
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2009

PinedaVX Empty Re: PinedaVX

Lun 16 Fév 2009 - 20:00
Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm sorry if you misunderstood. I don't blame you, as I sound pretty angry. You see, this isn't the first time I have to get through this.

The first time it happened I was really nice and all and the Administator took adavantage and said "I won't remove them". Since then I learned I can't be too nice about it because otherwise no one will listen.

Kdeb a écrit:Thanks for wanting to take care of this.

It is Pack 1 in the Packs of Resources forum posted by Irzyka-monos.

Unfortunately these packs are chock-full of uncredited resources from Ravadan, Aindra, Antheia, BiaBia and many others. Sad

Thank You.

Those are them. Again, thanks for looking into this even if I sound too demanding and annoying

Nombre de messages : 440
Age : 40
Localisation : Reims (51)
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 11/01/2008

PinedaVX Empty Re: PinedaVX

Lun 16 Fév 2009 - 22:37
Hello, I am the author of the packs, not resources "
Your aim is to remove your resource. This will be achieved. The link will be removed from my server.

Just one thing, it's a pity. Because there are limited resources and Vx do that contributes to improving the making, and sharing. Denied that this sharing I find it bad.

Anyhow sorry to have offended and gave pleasure to others.

Sorry of my bad english.

Nombre de messages : 8
Localisation : Costa Rica
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2009

PinedaVX Empty Re: PinedaVX

Mar 17 Fév 2009 - 0:56
Wait. You're taking this the wrong way.

My idea is not to leave you guys without access to my resources. You're more than welcome to access them through my website. You can place a link somewhere to be able to get in touch with the stuff I've made and new stuff I'll do.

I'll propose an idea to make outside websites available for other people to go in, which is a directory of resource websites. You can then translate it to French and sticky it in the resources topic Very Happy
Staffeux retraité

Nombre de messages : 4959
Age : 111
Localisation : Erem Vehyx
Distinction : Champion de boxe et au lit ! :O [Wax]
Être Mythique [Mister]
Papi Korndor qui a l'ostéoporose [Skillo]
Soldat Ikéa [Coco']
Un bonhomme, un vrai ! [Neresis]
Vieillard acariâtre [Didier Gustin]
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2007

PinedaVX Empty Re: PinedaVX

Mar 17 Fév 2009 - 9:58
This is the way the selfishs use...
All the Frenchs are for sharing; By directing everybody on all the websites you know, you will just angry us, because we don't need to lose ourselves in a million of websites.
Most of the Frenchs don't speak an sufficient English to navigate easily in the foreign websites, so please, calm down.

We hate angry people, unluckly you tried this way, now be informed that we won't like you because of this, and some of us will hate you, because you first message was already bad.

Now I'm thinking about closing the English-speaking part of the forum, because now we know the foreign people is very selfish.
But Rafidelis is a very good member, and for him I'll let it open; don't be silly, calm down and all will be ok.

Nombre de messages : 8
Localisation : Costa Rica
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2009

PinedaVX Empty Re: PinedaVX

Mar 17 Fév 2009 - 13:51
Even Rafidelis knows not to do that. And I know it because Rafidelis is my friend Wink

And yes, I'm selfish, go ahead, hate me I'm used to it and I like it Very Happy

Love you all <3
Staffeux retraité

Nombre de messages : 4959
Age : 111
Localisation : Erem Vehyx
Distinction : Champion de boxe et au lit ! :O [Wax]
Être Mythique [Mister]
Papi Korndor qui a l'ostéoporose [Skillo]
Soldat Ikéa [Coco']
Un bonhomme, un vrai ! [Neresis]
Vieillard acariâtre [Didier Gustin]
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2007

PinedaVX Empty Re: PinedaVX

Mar 17 Fév 2009 - 14:16
Ok, now the problem is solved, I suppose I can lock.

But please, for you don't have the same all your life, stop boasting; it's ridiculous Wink

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PinedaVX Empty Re: PinedaVX

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