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Où acheter la display japonaise One Piece Card Game PRB-01 One Piece ...
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Nombre de messages : 149
Age : 32
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 07/07/2014

Keyboard Config (YEP) Empty Keyboard Config (YEP)

Dim 9 Mai 2021 - 14:46
Si quelqu'un peut m'envoyer ce plugin "Keyboard Config (YEP)" ça serait cool, j'suis embêté dans mon système je veux juste pouvoir changer la touche Action qui est "Entrée" par "A"

Nombre de messages : 364
Age : 39
Localisation : Derrière son pc y parait
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2008

Keyboard Config (YEP) Empty Re: Keyboard Config (YEP)

Dim 9 Mai 2021 - 22:01
Salut. Tu demandes beaucoup de plugin de Yanfly Smile
// Yanfly Engine Plugins - Keyboard Configuration
// YEP_KeyboardConfig.js

var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.YEP_KeyboardConfig = true;

var Yanfly = Yanfly || {};
Yanfly.KeyConfig = Yanfly.KeyConfig || {};
Yanfly.KeyConfig.version = 1.04;

 * @plugindesc v1.04 Allows players to adjust their button configuration
 * for keyboards.
 * @author Yanfly Engine Plugins
 * @param ---General---
 * @default
 * @param Command Name
 * @parent ---General---
 * @desc This is the option name that appears in the main menu.
 * @default Keyboard Config
 * @param Button Events
 * @parent ---General---
 * @desc Requires YEP_ButtonCommonEvents. This is a list of common
 * events you can bind to key presses. Separate with a space.
 * @default 1 2 3
 * @param Button Events List
 * @parent ---General---
 * @type number[]
 * @desc Requires YEP_ButtonCommonEvents. This is a list of common
 * events you can bind to key presses. MV 1.5.0+
 * @default []
 * @param ---Help Text---
 * @default
 * @param Key Help
 * @parent ---Help Text---
 * @desc This is the help message that will display for keys.
 * @default Change the configuration of this key?
 * @param Default Layout
 * @parent ---Help Text---
 * @desc This is the text for switching to the default layout.
 * @default Default Keyboard Layout
 * @param Default Help
 * @parent ---Help Text---
 * @desc This is the help message that will display for keys.
 * @default Reverts your keyboard setting to the default setup.
 * @param WASD Layout
 * @parent ---Help Text---
 * @desc This is the text for switching to the WASD layout.
 * @default WASD Movement Layout
 * @param WASD Help
 * @parent ---Help Text---
 * @desc This is the help message that will display for WASD.
 * @default Changes your keyboard to WASD movement.
 * @param Finish Config
 * @parent ---Help Text---
 * @desc This is the text for finishing with keyboard configuration.
 * @default Finish Configuration
 * @param Finish Help
 * @parent ---Help Text---
 * @desc This is the help message that will display for Finish.
 * @default Are you done configuring your keyboard?
 * @param Assigned Color
 * @parent ---Help Text---
 * @type number
 * @min 0
 * @max 31
 * @desc This is the background color of a key that's assigned.
 * @default 21
 * @param Action Color
 * @parent ---Help Text---
 * @type number
 * @min 0
 * @max 31
 * @desc This is the text color of an assigned action.
 * @default 4
 * @param Clear Text
 * @parent ---Help Text---
 * @desc This is the Clear action will appear for the config text.
 * @default Clear
 * @param ---Key Names---
 * @default
 * @param OK Key
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the OK action will appear on a key.
 * @default OK
 * @param OK Text
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the OK action will appear for the config text.
 * @default OK / Talk
 * @param Escape Key
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Escape action will appear on a key.
 * @default X
 * @param Escape Text
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Escape action will appear for the config text.
 * @default Cancel / Menu
 * @param Cancel Key
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Cancel action will appear on a key.
 * @default Cancel
 * @param Cancel Text
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Cancel action will appear for the config text.
 * @default Cancel
 * @param Menu Key
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Menu action will appear on a key.
 * @default Menu
 * @param Menu Text
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Menu action will appear for the config text.
 * @default Menu
 * @param Shift Key
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Shift action will appear on a key.
 * @default Dash
 * @param Shift Text
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Shift action will appear for the config text.
 * @default Dash
 * @param PageUp Key
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the PageUp action will appear on a key.
 * @default PgUp
 * @param PageUp Text
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the PageUp action will appear for the config text.
 * @default Page Up
 * @param PageDown Key
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the PageUp action will appear on a key.
 * @default PgDn
 * @param PageDown Text
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the PageUp action will appear for the config text.
 * @default Page Down
 * @param Left Key
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Left action will appear on a key.
 * @default ◄
 * @param Left Text
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Left action will appear for the config text.
 * @default Move ◄ Left
 * @param Up Key
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Up action will appear on a key.
 * @default ▲
 * @param Up Text
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Up action will appear for the config text.
 * @default Move ▲ Up
 * @param Right Key
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Right action will appear on a key.
 * @default ►
 * @param Right Text
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Right action will appear for the config text.
 * @default Move ► Right
 * @param Down Key
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Down action will appear on a key.
 * @default ▼
 * @param Down Text
 * @parent ---Key Names---
 * @desc This is the Down action will appear for the config text.
 * @default Move ▼ Down
 * @help
 * ============================================================================
 * Introduction
 * ============================================================================
 * This plugin allows players to change their keyboard configuration from the
 * in-game Options menu provided that they're using a computer to play the
 * game and not from a mobile device. The "Keyboard Config" option will send
 * the player to a different screen where they can assign actions to each of
 * the allowed keys on the keyboard.
 * Certain measures are made to prevent the player from locking himself or
 * herself in the configuration screen. These measures are that the Enter keys
 * and arrow keys cannot be changed. Almost every other key is capable of being
 * changed to something of the player's liking.
 * Note: If you are using Button Common Events, place this plugin beneath
 * Button Common Events in the plugin parameter list.
 * ============================================================================
 * Button Common Event - Comment Tags
 * ============================================================================
 * If you're using Button Common Events, you can make certain Common Events
 * able to be bound to the keyboard using Comment Tags. To make a Comment Tag,
 * use a Comment Event inside of your Common Event, and insert the following to
 * achieve the desired effect:
 * Comment Tag:
 *  <Config Key: text>
 *  This is the text displayed on the keyboard if this common event is bound
 *  to a keyboard key. If this text isn't used, then the text displayed will
 *  be the common event's name.
 *  <Config Text: text>
 *  This is the text displayed when selecting a key to bind for the keyboard
 *  key. This is the text displayed in the selection list. If this text isn't
 *  used, then the text displayed will be the common event's name.
 *  <Config Required>
 *  This makes the common event required to be bound on the keyboard before
 *  the player can exit the configuration menu. In order for this to work
 *  properly, there needs to be a Button Common Event bound for this common
 *  event as well.
 * ============================================================================
 * Options Core Settings - Adding the New Options
 * ============================================================================
 * If you are using YEP_OptionsCore.js, you can add a new Option using this
 * plugin. Here's the following code/parameter settings you can use with it.
 * ---------
 * Settings:
 * ---------
 * Name:
 * \i[83]Keyboard Config
 * Help Description:
 * Configure the game's keyboard settings.
 * Symbol:
 * keyConfig
 * Show/Hide:
 * if (Imported.YEP_KeyboardConfig) {
 *  show = !Utils.isMobileDevice();
 * } else {
 *  show = false;
 * }
 * Enable:
 * enabled = true;
 * Ext:
 * ext = 0;
 * ----------
 * Functions:
 * ----------
 * Make Option Code:
 * this.addCommand(name, symbol, enabled, ext);
 * Draw Option Code:
 * var rect = this.itemRectForText(index);
 * var statusWidth = this.statusWidth();
 * var titleWidth = rect.width - statusWidth;
 * this.resetTextColor();
 * this.changePaintOpacity(this.isCommandEnabled(index));
 * this.drawOptionsName(index);
 * Process OK Code:
 * this.playOkSound();
 * SceneManager.push(Scene_KeyConfig);
 * Cursor Right Code:
 * // Empty. Provided by this plugin.
 * Cursor Left Code:
 * // Empty. Provided by this plugin.
 * Default Config Code:
 * // Empty. Provided by this plugin.
 * Save Config Code:
 * // Empty. Provided by this plugin.
 * Load Config Code:
 * // Empty. Provided by this plugin.
 * ============================================================================
 * Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * Version 1.04:
 * - Compatibility update with YEP_OptionsCore.js.
 * Version 1.03:
 * - Bug fixed that prevented the plugin from working if specific other plugins
 * weren't present.
 * Version 1.02:
 * - Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0.
 * Version 1.01:
 * - Compatibility update with Button Common Events.
 * - Added <Config Key: text>, <Config Text: text>, and <Config Required>
 * comment tags. These tags work together with Button Common Events.
 * Version 1.00:
 * - Finished Plugin!

// Parameter Variables

Yanfly.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('YEP_KeyboardConfig');
Yanfly.Param = Yanfly.Param || {};

Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigName = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Command Name']);
Yanfly.SetupParameters = function() {
  if (Imported.YEP_ButtonCommonEvents) {
    Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEv = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Button Events']);
    Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEv = Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEv.split(' ');
    for (var i = 0; i < Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEv.length; ++i) {
      Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEv[i] =
    Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigKeys = {};
    for (var key in Yanfly.Param.BCEList) {
      value = Yanfly.Param.BCEList[key];
      Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigKeys[value] = key;
    var array = JSON.parse(Yanfly.Parameters['Button Events List'] || '[]');
    for (var j = 0; j < array.length; ++j) {
      if (Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEv.contains(array[j])) continue;
  } else {
    Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEv = [];

Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigKeyHelp = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Key Help']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigDefaultTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Default Layout']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigDefaultHelp = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Default Help']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigWasdTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['WASD Layout']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigWasdHelp = String(Yanfly.Parameters['WASD Help']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigFinishTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Finish Config']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigFinishHelp = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Finish Help']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigAssignColor = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Assigned Color']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigActionColor = Number(Yanfly.Parameters['Action Color']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigClearTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Clear Text']);

Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigOkKey = String(Yanfly.Parameters['OK Key']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigOkTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['OK Text']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEscKey = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Escape Key']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEscTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Escape Text']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigCancelKey = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Cancel Key']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigCancelTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Cancel Text']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigMenuKey = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Menu Key']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigMenuTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Menu Text']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigShiftKey = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Shift Key']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigShiftTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Shift Text']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigPageUpKey = String(Yanfly.Parameters['PageUp Key']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigPageUpTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['PageUp Text']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigPageDnKey = String(Yanfly.Parameters['PageDown Key']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigPageDnTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['PageDown Text']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigLeftKey = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Left Key']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigLeftTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Left Text']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigUpKey = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Up Key']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigUpTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Up Text']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigRightKey = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Right Key']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigRightTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Right Text']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigDownKey = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Down Key']);
Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigDownTx = String(Yanfly.Parameters['Down Text']);

// DataManager

Yanfly.KeyConfig.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded;
DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function() {
  if (!Yanfly.KeyConfig.DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded.call(this)) return false;
  return true;

DataManager.processKeyConfigCommentTags = function(group) {
  Yanfly.KeyConfig.RequiredCommonEvents = [];
  for (var n = 1; n < group.length; n++) {
    var obj = group[n];
    var list = obj.list;
    var length = list.length;
    var comment = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
      var ev = list[i];
      if ([108, 408].contains(ev.code)) comment += ev.parameters[0] + '\n';
    this.extraKeyConfigCommentTags(obj, comment);

DataManager.extraKeyConfigCommentTags = function(obj, comment) {
  obj.configKey = obj.name;
  obj.configText = obj.name;
  obj.configRequired = false;
  if (comment === '') return;
  if (!Imported.YEP_ButtonCommonEvents) return;
  var notedata = comment.split(/[\r\n]+/);
  for (var i = 0; i < notedata.length; ++i) {
    var line = notedata[i];
    if (line.match(/<(?:CONFIG KEY):[ ](.*)>/i)) {
      obj.configKey = String(RegExp.$1);
    } else if (line.match(/<(?:CONFIG TEXT):[ ](.*)>/i)) {
      obj.configText = String(RegExp.$1);
    } else if (line.match(/<(?:CONFIG REQUIRED)>/i)) {
      obj.configRequired = true;

// Input

if (Imported.YEP_ButtonCommonEvents) {

Input._revertButton = function(button) {

Input._switchButton = function(button) {

}; // Imported.YEP_ButtonCommonEvents

// ConfigManager

ConfigManager.keyMapper = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Input.keyMapper));
ConfigManager.defaultMap = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Input.keyMapper));
ConfigManager.wasdMap = {
  9: 'tab', 13: 'ok', 16: 'shift', 17: 'control', 18: 'control', 27: 'escape',
  32: 'ok', 33: 'pageup', 34: 'pagedown', 37: 'left', 38: 'up', 39: 'right',
  40: 'down', 87: 'up', 65: 'left', 83: 'down', 68: 'right', 74: 'ok',
  75: 'escape', 77: 'menu', 219: 'pageup',  221: 'pagedown', 45: 'escape',
  46: 'ok', 35: 'escape', 36: 'menu', 96: 'escape', 98: 'down', 100: 'left',
  102: 'right', 104: 'up', 120: 'debug'

if (Imported.YEP_ButtonCommonEvents) {
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['tilde'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[192] = 'tilde';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['1'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[49] = '1';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['2'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[50] = '2';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['3'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[51] = '3';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['4'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[52] = '4';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['5'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[53] = '5';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['6'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[54] = '6';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['7'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[55] = '7';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['8'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[56] = '8';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['9'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[57] = '9';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['0'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[48] = '0';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['minus'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[189] = 'minus';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['equal'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[187] = 'equal';

if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['q'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[81] = 'q';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['w'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[87] = 'w';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['e'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[69] = 'e';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['r'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[82] = 'r';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['t'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[84] = 't';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['y'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[89] = 'y';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['u'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[85] = 'u';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['i'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[73] = 'i';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['o'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[79] = 'o';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['p'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[80] = 'p';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['foreBrack'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[219] =
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['backBrack'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[221] =
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['backSlash'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[220] =

if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['a'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[65] = 'a';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['s'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[83] = 's';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['d'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[68] = 'd';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['f'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[70] = 'f';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['g'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[71] = 'g';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['h'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[72] = 'h';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['j'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[74] = 'j';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['k'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[75] = 'k';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['l'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[76] = 'l';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['semicolon'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[186] =
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['quote'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[222] = 'quote';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['enter'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[13] = 'enter';

if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['keyShift'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[16] =
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['z'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[90] = 'z';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['x'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[88] = 'x';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['c'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[67] = 'c';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['v'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[86] = 'v';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['b'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[66] = 'b';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['n'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[78] = 'n';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['m'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[77] = 'm';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['comma'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[188] = 'comma';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['period'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[190] = 'period';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['foreSlash'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[191] =

if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['space'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[32] = 'space';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['dirLeft'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[37] =
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['dirUp'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[38] = 'dirUp';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['dirRight'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[39] =
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['dirDown'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[40] =
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['ins'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[45] = 'ins';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['del'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[46] = 'del';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['home'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[36] = 'home';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['end'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[35] = 'end';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['pageUp'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[33] = 'pageUp';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['pageDown'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[34] =

if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['num0'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[96] = 'num0';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['num1'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[97] = 'num1';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['num2'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[98] = 'num2';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['num3'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[99] = 'num3';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['num4'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[100] = 'num4';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['num5'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[101] = 'num5';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['num6'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[102] = 'num6';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['num7'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[103] = 'num7';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['num8'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[104] = 'num8';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['num9'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[105] = 'num9';
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['numPeriod'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[110] =
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['numPlus'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[107]  =
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['numMinus'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[109] =
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['numTimes'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[106] =
if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList['numDivide'] !== 0) ConfigManager.wasdMap[111] =

Yanfly.KeyConfig.ConfigManager_makeData = ConfigManager.makeData;
ConfigManager.makeData = function() {
  var config = Yanfly.KeyConfig.ConfigManager_makeData.call(this);
   config.keyMapper = this.keyMapper;
   return config;

Yanfly.KeyConfig.ConfigManager_applyData = ConfigManager.applyData;
ConfigManager.applyData = function(config) {
  Yanfly.KeyConfig.ConfigManager_applyData.call(this, config);
   this.keyMapper = this.readKeyConfig(config, 'keyMapper');

ConfigManager.applyKeyConfig = function() {
   Input.keyMapper = this.keyMapper;

ConfigManager.readKeyConfig = function(config, name) {
    var value = config[name];
    if (value !== undefined) {
        return value;
    } else {
        return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ConfigManager.defaultMap));

// Window_Options

Yanfly.KeyConfig.Window_Options_addGeneralOptions =
Window_Options.prototype.addGeneralOptions = function() {
   if (!Imported.YEP_OptionsCore) this.addKeyConfigCommand();

Window_Options.prototype.addKeyConfigCommand = function() {
   if (Utils.isMobileDevice()) return;
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigName, 'keyConfig', true);

if (!Imported.YEP_OptionsCore) {

Yanfly.KeyConfig.Window_Options_drawItem =
Window_Options.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
    if (this.commandSymbol(index) === 'keyConfig') {
         var rect = this.itemRectForText(index);
         var text = this.commandName(index);
       this.drawText(text, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, 'left');
      } else {
         Yanfly.KeyConfig.Window_Options_drawItem.call(this, index);

Yanfly.KeyConfig.Window_Options_processOk =
Window_Options.prototype.processOk = function() {
  if (this.commandSymbol(this.index()) === 'keyConfig') {
   } else {

}; // Imported.YEP_OptionsCore

// Window_KeyConfig

function Window_KeyConfig() {
    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

Window_KeyConfig._keyLayout = [
   '~', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', ' ', 'Ins',
   'Home', 'PgUp', ' ', '#pD/', '*', '#pD-', ' ', 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y',
   'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '[', ']', '\\', 'Del', 'End', 'PgDn', '#pD7', '#pD8',
   '#pD9', '+', ' ', 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', "'",
   'Enter', 'Enter', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#pD4', '#pD5', '#pD6', '+', 'Shift',
   'Shift', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',   'B', 'N',   'M', ',', '.', '/', 'Shift', 'Shift',
   ' ', '↑',   ' ', '#pD1', '#pD2', '#pD3', 'En', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'Space', 'Space',
   'Space', 'Space', 'Space', 'Space', 'Space', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '←',   '↓',
   '→', '#pD0', '#pD0',   '#pD.', 'En'

Window_KeyConfig._refId = {
   '~':    192, '0':    48, '1':    49, '2':    50, '3':    51, '4':    52,
   '5':    53, '6':    54, '7':    55, '8':    56, '9':    57, '-':    189,
   '=':    187, 'Ins':  45,   'Home':  36, 'PgUp':  33, '#pD/': 111, '*':    106,
   '#pD-': 109, 'Q':    81, 'W':    87, 'E':    69, 'R':    82, 'T':    84,
   'Y':    89, 'U':    85, 'I':    73, 'O':    79, 'P':    80, '[':    219,
   ']':    221, '\\':  220, 'Del':  46, 'End':  35, 'PgDn':  34, '#pD7': 103,
   '#pD8': 104, '#pD9': 105, '+':    107, 'A':    65, 'S':    83, 'D':    68,
   'F':    70, 'G':    71, 'H':    72, 'J':    74, 'K':    75, 'L':    76,
   ';':    186, "'":    222, 'Enter': 13, '#pD4': 100, '#pD5': 101, '#pD6': 102,
  'Shift': 16, 'Z':    90, 'X':    88, 'C':    67, 'V':    86, 'B':    66,
   'N':    78, 'M':    77, ',':    188, '.':    190, '/':    191, 'Shift': 16,
   '↑':    38, '#pD1':  97, '#pD2':  98, '#pD3':  99, 'En':    13, 'Space': 32,
   '←':    37, '↓':    40, '→':    39, '#pD0':  96, '#pD.': 110

Window_KeyConfig.prototype = Object.create(Window_Command.prototype);
Window_KeyConfig.prototype.constructor = Window_KeyConfig;

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.initialize = function(helpWindow) {
   var wy = helpWindow.height;
   Window_Command.prototype.initialize.call(this, 0, wy);
   this.height = Graphics.boxHeight - wy;

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.windowWidth = function() {
    return Graphics.boxWidth;

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.maxCols = function() {
    return 21;

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.spacing = function() {
    return 1;

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.itemHeight = function() {
    return this.lineHeight() * 2;

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.itemTextAlign = function() {
    return 'center';

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.makeCommandList = function(index) {
      for (var i = 0; i < Window_KeyConfig._keyLayout.length; ++i) {
         var keyName = Window_KeyConfig._keyLayout[i];
         var enabled = this.isKeyEnabled(keyName);
         this.addCommand(keyName, 'key', enabled);
      this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigDefaultTx, 'default', true);
      for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) this.addCommand(' ', 'default', true);
      this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigWasdTx, 'wasd', true);
      for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) this.addCommand(' ', 'wasd', true);
      this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigFinishTx, 'cancel', true);
      for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) this.addCommand(' ', 'cancel', true);

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.isKeyEnabled = function(keyName) {
   return !([' ', 'Enter', 'En', '↑', '←',   '↓', '→'].contains(keyName));

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.itemRect = function(index) {
    var rect = Window_Selectable.prototype.itemRect.call(this, index);
      var maxCols = this.maxCols();
    if ([41, 62].contains(index)) {
         rect.y = Math.floor(41 / maxCols) * rect.height - this._scrollY;
         rect.height = this.itemHeight() * 2;
      } else if ([54, 55].contains(index)) {
         rect.x = 54 % maxCols * (rect.width + this.spacing()) - this._scrollX;
         rect.width = (this.itemWidth() + this.spacing()) * 2 - this.spacing();
      } else if ([63, 64].contains(index)) {
         rect.x = 63 % maxCols * (rect.width + this.spacing()) - this._scrollX;
         rect.width = (this.itemWidth() + this.spacing()) * 2 - this.spacing();
      } else if ([75, 76].contains(index)) {
         rect.x = 75 % maxCols * (rect.width + this.spacing()) - this._scrollX;
         rect.width = (this.itemWidth() + this.spacing()) * 2 - this.spacing();
      } else if ([83, 104].contains(index)) {
         rect.y = Math.floor(83 / maxCols) * rect.height - this._scrollY;
         rect.height = this.itemHeight() * 2;
      } else if ([87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93].contains(index)) {
         rect.x = 87 % maxCols * (rect.width + this.spacing()) - this._scrollX;
         rect.width = (this.itemWidth() + this.spacing()) * 7 - this.spacing();
      } else if ([101, 102].contains(index)) {
         rect.x = 101 % maxCols * (rect.width + this.spacing()) - this._scrollX;
         rect.width = (this.itemWidth() + this.spacing()) * 2 - this.spacing();
      } else if ([105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111].contains(index)) {
         rect.x = 105 % maxCols * (rect.width + this.spacing()) - this._scrollX;
         rect.width = (this.itemWidth() + this.spacing()) * 7 - this.spacing();
      } else if ([112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118].contains(index)) {
         rect.x = 112 % maxCols * (rect.width + this.spacing()) - this._scrollX;
         rect.width = (this.itemWidth() + this.spacing()) * 7 - this.spacing();
      } else if ([119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125].contains(index)) {
         rect.x = 119 % maxCols * (rect.width + this.spacing()) - this._scrollX;
         rect.width = (this.itemWidth() + this.spacing()) * 7 - this.spacing();
      rect.y += Math.max(0, (this.contents.height - this.lineHeight() * 12) / 2);
    return rect;

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.leaveEmpty = function(index) {
      return [55, 56, 57, 58, 62, 64, 76, 77, 79, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91,
         92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 102, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114,
         115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125].contains(index);

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
    if (this.leaveEmpty(index)) return;

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.drawItemRect = function(index) {
      var rect = this.itemRect(index);
      var color = this.getRectColor(index);
      this.drawRect(rect.x+1, rect.y+1, rect.width-2, rect.height-2, color);

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.getRectColor = function(index) {
      if (index > 104) return this.gaugeBackColor();
      var key = Window_KeyConfig._refId[this.commandName(index)];
      var action = Input.keyMapper[key];
      if (action !== undefined) {
         return this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigAssignColor);
      } else {
         return this.gaugeBackColor();

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.drawRect = function(dx, dy, dw, dh, color) {
    this.contents.fillRect(dx, dy, dw, dh, color);

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.drawItemKey = function(index) {
      this.contents.fontSize -= 8;
      var rect = this.itemRectForText(index);
      var align = this.itemTextAlign();
      this.drawText(this.visualName(index), rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, align);

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.visualName = function(index) {
    var text = this._list[index].name;
      text = text.replace(/#pD/gi, '' );
      return text;

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.drawItemAction = function(index) {
      var key = Window_KeyConfig._refId[this.commandName(index)];
      var action = Input.keyMapper[key];
      if (action === undefined) return;
      this.contents.fontSize -= 8;
      var color = this.textColor(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigActionColor);
      var rect = this.itemRectForText(index);
      rect.y += this.lineHeight();
      var align = this.itemTextAlign();
      this.drawText(this.actionKey(action), rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, align);

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.actionKey = function(action) {
      switch(action) {
      case 'ok':
         return Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigOkKey;
      case 'escape':
         return Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEscKey;
      case 'cancel':
         return Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigCancelKey;
      case 'menu':
         return Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigMenuKey;
      case 'shift':
         return Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigShiftKey;
      case 'pageup':
         return Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigPageUpKey;
      case 'pagedown':
         return Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigPageDnKey;
      case 'left':
         return Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigLeftKey;
      case 'up':
         return Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigUpKey;
      case 'right':
         return Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigRightKey;
      case 'down':
         return Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigDownKey;
      if (Imported.YEP_ButtonCommonEvents) {
        if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList[action]) {
          var id = Yanfly.Param.BCEList[action];
          var ev = $dataCommonEvents[id];
          return ev.configKey;
      return '';

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.cursorDown = function(wrap) {
    var index = this.index();
    if (index >= 105) {
         this.select(index - 104);
      }   else if ([41, 62].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([83, 104].contains(index)) {
      } else {
         Window_Command.prototype.cursorDown.call(this, wrap);

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.cursorUp = function(wrap) {
    var index = this.index();
    if (index === 0) {
      } else if (index <= 20) {
         this.select(index + 104);
      }   else if ([41, 62].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([83, 104].contains(index)) {
      } else {
         Window_Command.prototype.cursorUp.call(this, wrap);

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.cursorRight = function(wrap) {
      var index = this.index();
      if ([54, 55].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([63, 64].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([75, 76].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([101, 102].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125].contains(index)) {
      } else {
         Window_Command.prototype.cursorRight.call(this, wrap);

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.cursorLeft = function(wrap) {
      var index = this.index();
      if (index === 0) {
      } else if ([54, 55].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([63, 64].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([75, 76].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([101, 102].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118].contains(index)) {
      } else if ([119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125].contains(index)) {
      } else {
         Window_Command.prototype.cursorLeft.call(this, wrap);

Window_KeyConfig.prototype.updateHelp = function() {
    if (!this._helpWindow) return;
      switch (this.currentSymbol()) {
      case 'key':
      case 'default':
      case 'wasd':
      case 'cancel':

// Window_KeyAction

function Window_KeyAction() {
    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

Window_KeyAction.prototype = Object.create(Window_Command.prototype);
Window_KeyAction.prototype.constructor = Window_KeyAction;

Window_KeyAction.prototype.initialize = function() {
   Window_Command.prototype.initialize.call(this, 0, 0);
   this.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - this.width) / 2;
   this.y = (Graphics.boxHeight - this.height) / 2;
   this.openness = 0;

Window_KeyAction.prototype.windowWidth = function() {
    return Graphics.boxWidth / 2;

Window_KeyAction.prototype.windowHeight = function() {
    var value = this.fittingHeight(this.numVisibleRows())
    return Math.min(value, Graphics.boxHeight);

Window_KeyAction.prototype.makeCommandList = function() {
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigClearTx, 'ok', true, 'clear');
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigOkTx, 'ok', true, 'ok');
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEscTx, 'ok', true, 'escape');
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigCancelTx, 'ok', true, 'cancel');
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigMenuTx, 'ok', true, 'menu');
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigShiftTx, 'ok', true, 'shift');
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigPageUpTx, 'ok', true, 'pageup');
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigPageDnTx, 'ok', true, 'pagedown');
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigLeftTx, 'ok', true, 'left');
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigUpTx, 'ok', true, 'up');
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigRightTx, 'ok', true, 'right');
   this.addCommand(Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigDownTx, 'ok', true, 'down');
  if (Imported.YEP_ButtonCommonEvents) this.addButtonCommonEvents();

Window_KeyAction.prototype.addButtonCommonEvents = function() {
  var length = Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEv.length;
  for (var i = 0 ; i < length; ++i) {
    var eventId = Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigEv[i];
    if (Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigKeys[eventId]) {
      var ev = $dataCommonEvents[eventId];
      var key = Yanfly.Param.KeyConfigKeys[eventId];
      var text = ev.configText;
      this.addCommand(text, 'ok', true, key);

// Scene_Options

Yanfly.KeyConfig.Scene_Options_createOptionsWindow =
Scene_Options.prototype.createOptionsWindow = function() {
   this._optionsWindow.setHandler('keyConfig', this.commandKeyConfig.bind(this));

Scene_Options.prototype.commandKeyConfig = function() {

// Scene_KeyConfig

function Scene_KeyConfig() {
  this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype = Object.create(Scene_MenuBase.prototype);
Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.constructor = Scene_KeyConfig;

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.initialize = function() {

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.create = function() {

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.terminate = function() {

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.refreshWindows = function() {

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.createKeyConfigWindow = function() {
   this._configWindow = new Window_KeyConfig(this._helpWindow);
   this._configWindow.setHandler('default', this.commandDefault.bind(this));
   this._configWindow.setHandler('wasd', this.commandWasd.bind(this));
   this._configWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.commandExit.bind(this));
   this._configWindow.setHandler('key', this.commandKey.bind(this));

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.createKeyActionWindow = function() {
   this._actionWindow = new Window_KeyAction();
   this._actionWindow.setHandler('ok', this.onActionOk.bind(this));
   this._actionWindow.setHandler('cancel', this.onActionCancel.bind(this));

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.commandDefault = function() {
   ConfigManager.keyMapper =

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.commandWasd = function() {
   ConfigManager.keyMapper = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ConfigManager.wasdMap));

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.commandKey = function() {

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.onActionCancel = function() {

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.onActionOk = function() {
   var action = this._actionWindow.currentExt();
   var name = this._configWindow.commandName(this._configWindow.index());
   var key = Window_KeyConfig._refId[name];
   if (action === 'clear') {
      ConfigManager.keyMapper[key] = undefined;
   } else {
      ConfigManager.keyMapper[key] = action;

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.commandExit = function() {
  if (!this.canExit()) {

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.canExit = function() {
  if (!Imported.YEP_ButtonCommonEvents) return true;
  for (var i = 0; i < Yanfly.KeyConfig.RequiredCommonEvents.length; ++i) {
    var commonEventId = Yanfly.KeyConfig.RequiredCommonEvents[i];
    if (!this.isCommonEventBound(commonEventId)) return false;
  return true;

Scene_KeyConfig.prototype.isCommonEventBound = function(id) {
  var length = Window_KeyConfig._keyLayout.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    var key = Window_KeyConfig._refId[this._configWindow.commandName(i)];
    var action = Input.keyMapper[key];
    if (Yanfly.Param.BCEList[action] === id) return true;
  return false;

// End of File

Nombre de messages : 149
Age : 32
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 07/07/2014

Keyboard Config (YEP) Empty Re: Keyboard Config (YEP)

Lun 10 Mai 2021 - 16:16
Oui, désolé je sais c'est mal de réclamer des plugins payant xD mais merci à toi

Nombre de messages : 364
Age : 39
Localisation : Derrière son pc y parait
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2008

Keyboard Config (YEP) Empty Re: Keyboard Config (YEP)

Lun 10 Mai 2021 - 18:27
Euh à ma connaissance il est gratuit si télécharger seul. Seul le pack est payant. Enfin je crois.
Sinon de rien.

Nombre de messages : 1401
Localisation : Ma tête
Distinction : Débrouillarde notoire é_è [Mist']
Ou celle qui partageait plus vite que son ombre [Gel']
Poisson 2017 [Amal]
Grâce à elle, tout le forum appelle Yamashi "Mamashi" [Yama]
Entraide d'Or
Règne dans l'ombre de la commu'
Youtubeuse beauté reconvertie dans le gaming [Amal']
Date d'inscription : 05/05/2015

Keyboard Config (YEP) Empty Re: Keyboard Config (YEP)

Mar 11 Mai 2021 - 10:48
Tu as ce starter pack qui est gratuit si tu veux
Contenu sponsorisé

Keyboard Config (YEP) Empty Re: Keyboard Config (YEP)

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