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Map Folders par Hime Empty Map Folders par Hime

Mar 21 Avr 2020 - 13:11
Coucou les copains ! Smile

Ne me demandez pas comment j'ai atteins 999 maps dans mon projet ! silent

Mais lorsque c'est le cas, que vous n'avez plus la place dans votre dossier pour de nouvelles maps, et que vous avez encore une imagination sans fin : ce script est la solution !!
(J'ai regardé dans le listing, normalement, celui-ci n'y est pas)

Auteur : Hime
Date : 19 Mars 2014
Langue : Anglais
Conditions d'utilisation : Projet non-commercial = Libre ; Projet commercial = Contacter l'Auteur.
Crédit: Hime Works

A placer dans la section Materials !

 Title: Map Folders
 Author: Hime
 Date: Mar 19, 2014
 ** Change log
 Mar 19, 2014
   - overwrites the way maps are loaded.
 Apr 3, 2013
   - added support for explicit transfer designation using script call
 Feb 24, 2013
   - added "load from zero folder" option
   - added support for custom folder naming schemes
   - added support for specifying (x, y) on the new map
   - Initial release
 ** Terms of Use
 * Free to use in non-commercial projects
 * Contact me for commercial use
 * Will do bug fixes, but no compatibility patches
 * Features may be requested but no guarantees, especially if it is non-trivial
 * Credit Hime Works
 * Preserve this header
 ** Description
 This script allows you to manage more than 999 maps in a single project.
 It allows you to place extra maps into separate sub-folders in your Data
 For example, maps 1000 to 1999 will be placed in Map1, maps 2000
 to 2999 will be placed in Map2, and so on.
 All maps directly under the Data folder are considered part of the
 "zero folder".
 ** Installation
 Place this below Materials and above Main.
 You should place this script above other custom scripts.
 ** Usage
 Create folders with the name
 For some number #. eg: Map1, Map2, Map23
 You can change the naming scheme in the configuration section. The naming
 scheme must take exactly one number, which represents the folder ID.
 You can place up to 999 maps into one folder. Remember to move the
 mapInfos.rvdata2 file as well, since the editor will need that to correctly
 load the map tree.
 You will use script calls to change to different folders in the game.
 You should place these script calls before the actual map transfer command.
 If you want to switch to maps in Map12, then you will use
 You can specify an the position you want the player to be
 transferred to in case the position on your new map is not available in the
 You can pass in the map_id and x, y coordinates in the script call as well
   change_map_folder(id, map_id, x, y)
 NOTE: due to how the default scripts work, if you transfer to a map with
 the same ID, the game won't actually setup a new map! This can be solved
 easily but for compatibility reasons it has not been changed.
 ** Compatibility
 The following classes/functions have been modified
     aliased - load_data
     aliased - setup
     aliased - initialize
$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported["TH_MapFolders"] = true
# ** Configuration
module TH
  module Map_Folders
    # naming scheme for your folder
    Folder_Names = "Map%d"  
    # loads from the zero folder rather than Data folder. Might be useful if
    # you are currently developing maps from other folders
    Load_From_Zero_Folder = false
    # The folder to use when you start a new game.
    Start_Folder = 0
# ** Rest of script

# Store the current folder ID somewhere
class Game_System
  attr_reader :map_folder_id
  alias :th_map_folders_init :initialize
  def initialize
    @map_folder_id = TH::Map_Folders::Start_Folder
  def change_map_folder(folder_id)
    @map_folder_id = folder_id

class Game_Temp
  attr_accessor :map_folder_transfer_x
  attr_accessor :map_folder_transfer_y
  attr_accessor :map_folder_transfer_map_id

# Game map setup includes folder ID
class Game_Map
  alias :th_map_folders_setup :setup
  def setup(map_id)
    @map_id = map_id
    @map = load_folder_map(map_id)
    @tileset_id = @map.tileset_id
    @display_x = 0
    @display_y = 0
    @need_refresh = false
  def load_folder_map(map_id)
    map_id += 1000 * $game_system.map_folder_id
    folder_id = map_id / 1000
    map_id = map_id % 1000
    if folder_id == 0 && !TH::Map_Folders::Load_From_Zero_Folder
      load_data("Data/Map%03d.rvdata2" %map_id)
      load_data(sprintf("Data/%s/Map%03d.rvdata2", sprintf(TH::Map_Folders::Folder_Names, folder_id), map_id))

class Game_Player < Game_Character
  alias :th_map_folders_reserve_transfer :reserve_transfer
  def reserve_transfer(map_id, x, y, d = 2)
    th_map_folders_reserve_transfer(map_id, x, y, d)
    @new_x = $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_x if $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_x
    @new_y = $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_y if $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_y
    @new_map_id = $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_map_id if $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_map_id

# For convenience
class Game_Interpreter
  alias :th_map_folders_clear :clear
  def clear
    $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_x = nil
    $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_y = nil
    $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_map_id = nil
  def change_map_folder(folder_id, map_id=nil, x=nil, y=nil)
    $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_map_id = map_id
    $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_x = x
    $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_y = y
  alias :th_map_folders_command_201 :command_201
  def command_201
    @params[1] = $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_map_id || @params[1]
    @params[2] = $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_x || @params[2]
    @params[3] = $game_temp.map_folder_transfer_y || @params[3]

Son utilisation est expliquée dans le code, mais pour résumer :

- En plein jeu, pour passer d'une map d'un dossier à une map d'un autre dossier, appelez ce script à l'aide de la commande "script" sur votre événement de Téléportation et entrez :


               - l'id désigne ici l'id de la Map de Destination référencée dans son dossier telle que : Map10, Map11, Map12 ;
               - au cas où, l'id est renseigné comme ci-dessous aussi (entouré en bleu) :


              - comme pour une téléportation normale d'une map à l'autre, vous pouvez renseigner les positions de destination x et y (là où votre personnage est censé apparaître sur la Map de destination), toujours à l'aide de la commande "script" sur votre événement, en écrivant:

change_map_folder(id, map_id, x, y)

Si mes indications manquent de clarté, ne vous gênez pas !

Voilà pour vous !

Nombre de messages : 40
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2015

Map Folders par Hime Empty Re: Map Folders par Hime

Mer 3 Juin 2020 - 19:09
C'est bon a savoir cette astuce.

Et moi qui m'embête à optimiser les cartes pour coller 4 intérieurs de maison sur juste une carte pour économiser.

Merci du partage
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