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Nombre de messages : 259
Localisation : A la forge!
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 24/12/2012

Kaus Ultimate Overlay : dernières maj Empty Kaus Ultimate Overlay : dernières maj

Ven 24 Aoû 2018 - 7:26
Bonjour à tous,

Je voulais savoir si quelqu'un avait un lien valable ou même le plugin cité en titre mais dans la dernière version. Car je ne trouve que la v.1 (qui est intéressante) mais les maj sont plus complètes et m'intéresse. En espérant que quelqu’un peut m'aider ! Merci Smile

Nombre de messages : 1401
Localisation : Ma tête
Distinction : Débrouillarde notoire é_è [Mist']
Ou celle qui partageait plus vite que son ombre [Gel']
Poisson 2017 [Amal]
Grâce à elle, tout le forum appelle Yamashi "Mamashi" [Yama]
Entraide d'Or
Règne dans l'ombre de la commu'
Youtubeuse beauté reconvertie dans le gaming [Amal']
Date d'inscription : 05/05/2015

Kaus Ultimate Overlay : dernières maj Empty Re: Kaus Ultimate Overlay : dernières maj

Dim 26 Aoû 2018 - 16:12
Kaus Ultimate Overlay : dernières maj 70814 Il y a eu des soucis avec kaus et je ne suis pas sure qu'il tiennent son plugin à jour.
De plus ce plugin est incompatible avec certains de Yanfly, en tout cas c'est ce qui est ecrit sur les coms de la presentation du plugin, je ne sait pas si ca a été régler aussi.
Si tu veux il y a Orange Overlay qui est similaire mais je ne sait pas si cela te convient.

Sinon la seule version de Kaus que j'ai c'est 1.11, je la laisse ici:

// Kaus Ultimate Overlay
// Kaus_Ultimate_Overlay.js
// Version: 1.11
// Date Created: October 31, 2015
// Scripted By: Kaus

var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.Kaus_Ultimate_Overlay = 1.11;

 * @plugindesc v1.11 Adds Overlay Images on the Map. (Ground,Parallax,Shadow,Light,Fog)
 * @author Kaus
 * @param -F I L E  N A M E S-
 * @default
 * @param Organized Folders
 * @desc Use different folders for each layers instead of using default folder 'parallaxes'
 * Default: false
 * @default false
 * @param Parallax Filename
 * @desc filename used for displaying Parallax Images 
 * Default: par
 * @default par
 * @param Ground Filename
 * @desc filename used for displaying Ground Images
 * Default: ground
 * @default ground
 * @param Light Filename
 * @desc filename used for displaying Light Images
 * Default: light
 * @default light
 * @param Shadow Filename
 * @desc filename used for displaying Shadow Images
 * Default: shadow
 * @default shadow
 * @param -S E T T I N G S-
 * @default
 * @param Light Opacity
 * @desc Opacity that Light Images use. 
 * Default:185
 * @default 185
 * @param Quick Start
 * @desc Starts the game with the switches on automatically to avoid fade in transition.
 * Default:true
 * @default true
 * @param Bush Region ID
 * @desc Region ID that sets tile as Bush.
 * Default:7
 * @default 7
 * @param Bind Pictures
 * @desc NOTE: Kaus_Ultimate_Overlay should be placed BELOW Galenmereth's Bind Pictures in order to work.
 * Default:false
 * @default false
 * @param Terrax Lighting
 * @desc NOTE: Kaus_Ultimate_Overlay should be placed BELOW Terrax Lighting in order to work.
 * Default:false
 * @default false
 * @param -S W I T C H E S-
 * @default
 * @param Fog Switch ID
 * @desc Overlay Switch ID used for displaying Fog
 * Default:1
 * @default 1
 * @param Light Switch ID
 * @desc Overlay Switch ID used for displaying Light
 * Default:2
 * @default 2
 * @param Parallax Switch ID
 * @desc Overlay Switch ID used for displaying Parallax
 * Default:3
 * @default 3
 * @param Shadow Switch ID
 * @desc Overlay Switch ID used for displaying Shadow
 * Default:4
 * @default 4
 * ============================================================================
 * Introduction
 * ============================================================================
 * This plugin lets you add overlay images on your map.
 * You have a choice of 5 different layers on the map to put your custom images
 * ============================================================================
 * Filename and Use Instructions
 * ============================================================================
 * By Default:
 * All images must be saved in img/Parallaxes Folder.
 * ground,par,shadow and light overlays must be named designated to their mapID
 * For example: display a parallax map and light in MapID:002
 * Name your files par2 and light 2 and save it in img/Parallaxes Folder
 * If Parameter Option: Organized Folders is set to true
 * Create the ff. new folders:
 * (img/overlays/grounds)
 * (img/overlays/pars)
 * (img/overlays/shadows)
 * (img/overlays/lights)
 * (img/overlays/fogs)
 * And all the overlay images you will use should be inside those folders
 * specific to their layer type.
 * ============================================================================
 * Notetags Instructions
 * ============================================================================
 * Note: Input your notetags inside the map properties. The following notetags
 *      is case sensitive and space sensitive.
 *  <all>              display all 3 overlays (ground,par,light)
 *  <ground>            display ground layer.
 *  <par>              display parallax layer.
 *  <light>            display light layer.
 *  <shadow>            display shadow layer.
 *  <fogName:filename>  display the chosen fog.
 *  <fogOpacity:number> display the fog in this opacity level.
 *  <fogBlend:number>  (OPTIONAL) changes the blend type of fog 0:NORMAL 1:ADD
 *  <fogDuration:number>(OPTIONAL) makes a transition depending on value = frames.before completing opacity.
 *  <xMove:number>      (OPTIONAL) moves the fog left or right (+ moves right, - moves left)
 *  <yMove:number>      (OPTIONAL) moves the fog up or down (+ moves down, - moves up)
 * NEW: fog notetags variable use.
 * You can use Variables to fill in your notetags instead of fix value.
 * To do this simply put a '$' at the start of the value followed by the variable's id.
 * Example:
 * <fogName:$1>        This will display the fog of the value of the variable 1.
 * <fogOpacity:$2>      This will set the opacity of the fog to the value of variable 2.
 * <xMove:$3>          This will set the x Movement of the fog to the value of variable 3.
 * <yMove:$4>          This will set the y Movement of the fog to the value of variable 4.
 * <fogBlend:$5>        This will set the Blend Mode of the fog to the value of variable 5.
 * You can use this script command to set a variable into text:
 * $gameVariables.setValue(id,"your_text")
 * so you can have a text value instead of a number.
 * Light Layer    is the highest layer and used for creating Light Effects such as Sunlight Rays, or Street Lights, etc.
 * Fog Layer      is used for creating a Fog Effect in much that is moving automatically by settings. Used for Mists Clouds etc.
 * Shadow Layer  is used for creating shadow effects.
 * Parallax Layer is used for adding an image in the map that will be OVER the character.
 * Ground Layer  like Parallax Layer it is used for creating custom images but UNDER your characters.
 * ============================================================================
 * Plugin Command Instructions
 * ============================================================================
 * To change the layer in current map use this Plugin Command;
 * Call Plugin Command thru event then type the following Arguments:
 * Overlay layertype filename
 *      for example: Overlay light light2-1
 * Layer Types:
 * ground = for ground layer
 * par = for parallax layer
 * shadow = for shadow layer
 * light = for light layer
 * fog = for fog layer
 * Calling a new fog has its own arguments: (blendmode and duration is optional and doesnt need to have a value)
 * Arguments:  Overlay fog filename opacity xMove yMove blendmode duration
 * Examples:
 *            Overlay fog mist2 155 1 -0.5  //Displays 'mist2' fog in 155 Opacity that moves position x to 1 and y to -0.5 every frame.
 *            Overlay fog shade 130 0 0 1 60 //Displays 'shade' fog in 130 Opacity, additive blend, doesnt move, fades in w/in 60 frames.
 * 1.07 New Feature: Fog Fade Out
 * Function:  Fades out the current fog displayed over the duration.
 * Arguments: Overlay fadeout duration
 * Examples:  Overlay fadeout 120      //Fades out the current fog over 120 frames.
 * 1.08 New Feature: Multilayer-Fog System
 **** addfog Function
 * Function: Adds more fog in the map. (If argument is optional you dont need to include it to set the default)
 * Arguments: Overlay addfog filename ID Opacity xMove yMove BlendType(Optional Default=0) Depth(Optional, Default=22)
 * Examples: 
 *            Overlay addfog mist1 0 155 0 1 1      //Adds 'mist1' fog with ID set to 0 and Opacity 155 w/ Additive Blend
 *            Overlay addfog shade 3 125 1 1        //Adds 'shade' fog with ID set to 3 and Opacity 125 in Normal Blend.
 *            Overlay addfog water 2 255 -0.1 0 0 0  //Adds 'water' fog with ID set to 2 and Opacity 255 display under all overlays (0 Depth)
 * 1.09 Depth Properties:
 * Depth Layer
 * -1  - Default Parallax
 *  0  - Tilemap
 *  1  - Ground Layer
 * 20  - Par Layer
 * 21  - Shadow Layer
 * 22  - Fog Layer
 * 23  - Light Layer
 **** removefog Function
 * Function: Remove a specific Fog by ID
 * Arguments: Overlay removefog ID
 * Examples: 
 *            Overlay removefog 3    //Removes the fog that have an ID set to 3.
 * NOTE: -Changing Layer Images DOESN'T REQUIRE notetags in the map to display BUT REQUIRES switches.
 *      -DO NOT USE Overlay fadeout if you have map notetags exist in a map as it will not work and map notetags will persist
 *        to display its function. USE fog switches to turn off the display of the fog completely.
 *      -BECAREFUL on displaying too large layers as it will affect the game's performance badly. I suggest keeping it small and simple.

(function() {
function boolFunc(str) {
    return Function("return " + str + " === true")();
var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('Kaus_Ultimate_Overlay');
var parallax_FN = String(parameters['Parallax Filename']);
var ground_FN = String(parameters['Ground Filename']);
var light_FN = String(parameters['Light Filename']);
var shadow_FN = String(parameters['Shadow Filename']);
var light_OP = Number(parameters['Light Opacity']);
var fogSwitch = Number(parameters['Fog Switch ID']);
var lightSwitch = Number(parameters['Light Switch ID']);
var parSwitch = Number(parameters['Parallax Switch ID']);
var shadowSwitch = Number(parameters['Shadow Switch ID']);
var startSwitch = boolFunc(parameters['Quick Start']);
var useBindPictures = boolFunc(parameters['Bind Pictures']);
var useTerrax = boolFunc(parameters['Terrax Lighting'])
var useFolder = boolFunc(parameters['Organized Folders'])
var bushRegion = String(parameters['Bush Region ID']);

var overlayType = "";
var overlayName = "";
var overlayOpacity = 0;
var overlayxMove = 0;
var overlayyMove = 0;
var overlayDuration;
var overlayBlend = 0;
var overlayFadeOut = false;
var lightcall = false;
var parcall = false;
var shadowcall = false;
var groundcall = false;
var groundName = "";
var shadowName = "";
var lightName = "";
var parName = "";
var fogFadeOut;
var multifog = [];
var mFogCall = false;
var mFogName = "";
var mFogID = 0;
var mFogOpacity = 0;
var mFogBlend = 0;
var mFogxMove = 0;
var mFogyMove = 0;
var mFogRemoveCall = false;
var mFogZ = 22;
var defOpacity = 0;

//Initializing Automatic Switch on New Game.
var Kaus_setupNewGame = DataManager.setupNewGame;
        DataManager.setupNewGame = function() {

Spriteset_Map.prototype.createLowerLayer = function() {
    overlayType = "";
    overlayName = "";
    overlayOpacity = 0;
    overlayxMove = 0;
    overlayyMove = 0;
    overlayBlend = 0;
    overlayFadeOut = false;
    parcall = false;
    parName = "";
    lightcall = false;
    lightName = "";
    shadowcall = false;
    shadowName = "";
    groundcall = false;
    groundName = "";
    mFogCall = false;
    mFogName = "";
    mFogID = 0;
    mFogOpacity = 0;
    mFogBlend = 0;
    mFogxMove = 0;
    mFogyMove = 0;
    this._xMove = [];
    this._yMove = [];
    this._multifog = [];
    this._multinewX = [];
    this._multinewY = [];
    mFogRemoveCall = false;
    map = $dataMap;
    if(useBindPictures==true) this.createPicturesLayer('bottom', this._baseSprite);
    if(useBindPictures==true) this.createPicturesLayer('below_tilemap', this._baseSprite);
    if(useBindPictures==true) this.createPicturesLayer('below_characters', this._tilemap);
    if(useBindPictures==true) this.createPicturesLayer('above_characters', this);
    if(useBindPictures==true) this.createPicturesLayer('below_weather', this._tilemap, 8);
    if(useBindPictures==true) this.createPicturesLayer('top', this);
    if(useTerrax==true) this.createLightmask(); 
Spriteset_Map.prototype.update = function() {
      for(var i = 0; i < this._multifog.length; i++) {
          if(typeof this._multifog[i] !== 'undefined') this.updateMultiFog(i);
    if(useBindPictures==true) this.updatePictures();
//===================M U L T I F O G  S E T U P=====================   
Spriteset_Map.prototype.createMultiFog = function(id,filename,xMove,yMove,opacity,blend,zproperty){
    if(typeof this._multifog[id] == 'undefined'){
    this._xMove[id] = Number(xMove);
    this._yMove[id] = Number(yMove);
    this._multifog[id] = new TilingSprite();
    if(useFolder) this._multifog[id].bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/fogs/',filename);
    else this._multifog[id].bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(filename);
    this._multifog[id].move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
    this._multifog[id].opacity = Number(opacity);
    this._multifog[id].blendMode = Number(blend);
    this._multifog[id].z = Number(mFogZ);
    this._multinewX[id] = 0;
    this._multinewY[id] = 0;
    mFogCall = false;
Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateMultiFog = function(id) {
    this._multinewX[id] += Number(this._xMove[id]);
    this._multinewY[id] += Number(this._yMove[id]);
    if(this._multinewX[id]!=0) this._multifog[id].origin.x =  ($gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth()) - this._multinewX[id];
                          else this._multifog[id].origin.x =  ($gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth());
    if(this._multinewY[id]!=0) this._multifog[id].origin.y =  ($gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight()) - this._multinewY[id];
                          else this._multifog[id].origin.y =  ($gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight());
Spriteset_Map.prototype.removeMultiFog = function(id){
    this._multifog[id] = undefined;
    this._xMove[id] = 0;
    this._yMove[id] = 0;
    this._multinewX[id] = 0;
    this._multinewY[id] = 0;
    mFogRemoveCall = false;

//==================== G R O U N D  M A P ======================   
Spriteset_Map.prototype.createGroundMap = function() {
    this._groundMap = new Sprite();
    if(map.meta.ground || map.meta.all){
        if(useFolder) this._groundMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/grounds/',ground_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
        else this._groundMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(ground_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
    this._groundMap.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
    this._groundMap.z = 1;
Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateGroundMap = function() {
        this._groundMap.x =  $gameMap.displayX() * -$gameMap.tileWidth();
        this._groundMap.y =  $gameMap.displayY() * -$gameMap.tileHeight();
        //Plugin Command Update
          if(useFolder) this._groundMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/grounds/',groundName);
          else this._groundMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(groundName);

//======================= P A R  M A P =========================   
Spriteset_Map.prototype.createParMap = function() {
    this._parMap = new Sprite();
    if(map.meta.par || map.meta.all){
        if(useFolder) this._parMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/pars/',parallax_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
        else this._parMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(parallax_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
    this._parMap.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
    this._parMap.z = 20
    if($gameSwitches.value(parSwitch)== true)
      this._parMap.opacity = 255;
      this._parMap.opacity = 0;

Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateParMap = function() {
        this._parMap.x =  $gameMap.displayX() * -$gameMap.tileWidth();
        this._parMap.y =  $gameMap.displayY() * -$gameMap.tileHeight();
      //Switch Checking
      if($gameSwitches.value(parSwitch)== true){
        if(this._parMap.opacity < 255) this._parMap.opacity += 10; }
        if(this._parMap.opacity!=0) this._parMap.opacity -= 10;
    //Plugin Command Update
        if(useFolder) this._parMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/pars/',parName);
        else this._parMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(parName);
//======================= S H A D O W  M A P =========================   
Spriteset_Map.prototype.createShadowMap = function() {
    this._shadowMap = new Sprite();
    if(map.meta.shadow || map.meta.all){
        if(useFolder) this._shadowMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/shadows/',shadow_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
        else this._shadowMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(shadow_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
    this._shadowMap.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
    this._shadowMap.z = 21
    if($gameSwitches.value(shadowSwitch)== true)
      this._shadowMap.opacity = 255;
      this._shadowMap.opacity = 0;

Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateShadowMap = function() {
        this._shadowMap.x =  $gameMap.displayX() * -$gameMap.tileWidth();
        this._shadowMap.y =  $gameMap.displayY() * -$gameMap.tileHeight();
      //Switch Checking
      if($gameSwitches.value(shadowSwitch)== true){
        if(this._shadowMap.opacity < 255) this._shadowMap.opacity += 10; }
        if(this._shadowMap.opacity!=0) this._shadowMap.opacity -= 10;
    //Plugin Command Update
        if(useFolder) this._shadowMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/shadows/',shadowName);
        else this._shadowMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(shadowName);
//===================== L I G H T  M A P =======================
Spriteset_Map.prototype.createLightMap = function() {
    map = $dataMap;
    this._lightMap = new Sprite();
    if(map.meta.light || map.meta.all){
        if(useFolder) this._lightMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/lights/',light_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
        else this._lightMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(light_FN+$gameMap.mapId());
    this._lightMap.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
    this._lightMap.blendMode = 1;
    this._lightMap.z = 23;
    if($gameSwitches.value(lightSwitch)== true)
      this._lightMap.opacity = light_OP;
      this._lightMap.opacity = 0;

Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateLightMap = function() {
        this._lightMap.x =  $gameMap.displayX() * -$gameMap.tileWidth();
        this._lightMap.y =  $gameMap.displayY() * -$gameMap.tileHeight();
        //Switch Checking
      if($gameSwitches.value(lightSwitch)== true){
        if(this._lightMap.opacity < light_OP) this._lightMap.opacity += 1; }
        if(this._lightMap.opacity!=0) this._lightMap.opacity -= 1;
    //Plugin Command Update
        if(useFolder) this._lightMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/lights/',lightName);
        else this._lightMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(lightName);
//======================= F O G  M A P ==========================
Spriteset_Map.prototype.createFogMap = function() {
    map = $dataMap;
    this._fogMap = new TilingSprite();
    fogfileUse = map.meta.fogName;
    fogOpacityUse = map.meta.fogOpacity;
    fogxMove = map.meta.xMove || 0;
    fogyMove = map.meta.yMove || 0;
    fogBlendUse = map.meta.fogBlend;
            if(map.meta.fogName.charAt(0)=='$') fogfileUse = $gameVariables.value(map.meta.fogName.substring(1));
            if(map.meta.fogOpacity.charAt(0)=='$') fogOpacityUse = $gameVariables.value(map.meta.fogOpacity.substring(1));
            if(map.meta.xMove.charAt(0)=='$') fogxMove = $gameVariables.value(map.meta.xMove.substring(1));
            if(map.meta.yMove.charAt(0)=='$') fogyMove = $gameVariables.value(map.meta.yMove.substring(1));
            if(map.meta.fogBlend.charAt(0)=='$') fogBlendUse = $gameVariables.value(map.meta.fogBlend.substring(1));
        if(useFolder) this._fogMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/fogs/',fogfileUse);
        else this._fogMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(fogfileUse);
    this._fogMap.move(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height);
    this._fogMap.blendMode = Number(fogBlendUse) || 0;
    this._fogMap.opacity = 0;
    this._fogMap.origin.x =  $gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth();
    this._fogMap.origin.y =  $gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight();
    this._fogMap.z = 22;
    newX = 0;
    newY = 0;

Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateFogMap = function() {
        map = $dataMap;
        if(overlayBlend!=0) this._fogMap.blendMode = 1;
        if(overlayxMove!=0){ newX += Number(overlayxMove); }
        else newX += Number(fogxMove) || 0;
        if(overlayyMove!=0){ newY += Number(overlayyMove); }
        else newY += Number(fogyMove) || 0;
        if(newX!=0) this._fogMap.origin.x =  ($gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth()) - newX;
        else this._fogMap.origin.x =  ($gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth());
        if(newY!=0) this._fogMap.origin.y =  ($gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight()) - newY;
        else this._fogMap.origin.y =  ($gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight());
    //Switch Checking
    if($gameSwitches.value(fogSwitch)== true){
        if(overlayOpacity!=0){ //if plugin call opacity exist
          defOpacity = Number(overlayOpacity); }
          else{ //if not
          defOpacity = Number(fogOpacityUse); }
        if(overlayDuration){ //if plugin call duration exist
            fogDuration = overlayDuration; }
          else{ //if not
              fogDuration = Number(map.meta.fogDuration) || 1 ;  }
        fogTransition = defOpacity / fogDuration;
    else if(this._fogMap.opacity!=0) this._fogMap.opacity -= 10;
    // Transition Effect
    if(overlayFadeOut){ // Fade Out
              fogTransition = defOpacity / fogFadeOut;
              if(this._fogMap.opacity!=0) this._fogMap.opacity -= fogTransition;
              else if(this._fogMap.opacity==0){ //reset variables if opacity is 0
                  overlayFadeOut = false;
                  overlayOpacity = 0;
    else if(this._fogMap.opacity < defOpacity){ //Fade In
            this._fogMap.opacity += fogTransition;
    //Plugin Command Update
        if(useFolder) this._fogMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/overlays/fogs/',overlayName);
        else this._fogMap.bitmap = ImageManager.loadParallax(overlayName);
//====================P L U G I N  C O M M A N D==================
    var _GameInterpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
    Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) {
      _GameInterpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
     if (command == "Overlay") {
      this._waitCount = 0.1;
       if (args[0] == "fog") { //Fog Call
          if (args[1]) { //filename
            if (args[2]){ //opacity
              if (args[3]){ //xMove
                if (args[4]){ //yMove
                    overlayType = args[0];
                    overlayName = args[1];
                    overlayOpacity = args[2];
                    overlayxMove = args[3];
                    overlayyMove = args[4];
                    if (args[5]) overlayBlend = args[5]; //fogBlend
                    if (args[6]) overlayDuration = args[6]; //fogDuration
       } else if(args[0] == "fadeout" ){ //fog fadeout
          if (args[1]){
              overlayFadeOut = true;
              fogFadeOut = args[1]; //fadeout duration
        else if(args[0] == "light"){ //light layer
          if (args[1]) { //filename
                lightcall = true;
                lightName = args[1];
        else if(args[0] == "shadow"){ //shadow layer
          if (args[1]) { //filename
                shadowcall = true;
                shadowName = args[1];
        else if(args[0] == "par"){ //par layer
          if (args[1]) { //filename
                parcall = true;
                parName = args[1];
        else if(args[0] == "ground"){ //ground layer
          if (args[1]) { //filename
                groundcall = true;
                groundName = args[1];
        else if(args[0] == "addfog"){ //add multifog layer
          if (args[1]) { //filename
                mFogCall = true;
                mFogName = args[1];
                mFogID = args[2];
                mFogOpacity = args[3];
                mFogxMove = args[4];
                mFogyMove = args[5];
                if(args[6]) mFogBlend = args[6]; else mFogBlend = 0;
                if(args[7]) mFogZ = args[7]; else mFogZ = 22;
        else if(args[0] == "removefog"){ //remove multifog layer
          if (args[1]) { //id
                mFogRemoveCall = true;
                mFogID = args[1];
     }//Command Overlay End

Game_Map.prototype.isBush = function(x, y) {
    return (this.isValid(x, y) && this.checkLayeredTilesFlags(x, y, 0x40)) || (this.isValid(x, y) && this.regionId(x, y) == bushRegion);
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