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Nombre de messages : 55
Distinction : aucune
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2008

~* Transitions In Menu and Map *~ Empty ~* Transitions In Menu and Map *~

Sam 10 Jan 2009 - 22:14
Transitions in the Menu and Map
By: Rafidelis

~* Transitions In Menu and Map *~ Marker3la7About the script:~* Transitions In Menu and Map *~ Marker3la7

This script creates transitions in each Scene of the game, and he fully customized, you can define scene in which they act transition, which will be used to image, which will be its duration and opacity.
Put that image in the Transitions (Create this folder) with the name of Transition1:

~* Transitions In Menu and Map *~ Transition1wb8

~* Transitions In Menu and Map *~ Marker3la7 Instructions: ~* Transitions In Menu and Map *~ Marker3la7

Paste above the main, if you are using a script that changes some scene, paste below it.

~* Transitions In Menu and Map *~ Marker3la7Script~* Transitions In Menu and Map *~ Marker3la7


Reviews of the script are in Portuguese, I did not have time to translate into English
Sorry =D

~* Transitions In Menu and Map *~ 88x31

RGSS and RGSS2 Scripts and RGSS1/2 Tutorials by Rafidelis is licensed under a
Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Compartilhamento pela mesma Licença 2.5 Brasil License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at ReinoRPG.com

Nombre de messages : 1742
Age : 31
Localisation : Dans ton cul(stom), t'as vu, tarba? é_è
Distinction : Commentateur sportif
Indépendantiste Breton
Chevalier de lumière
Membre du Haruhi fan-club
Membre du Tsukasa Nishino fan-club.
[Chou n°3]
Mist' Wink

Fils caché de Francis L'Alan
[Coco' Smile]
Chevalier Noir
Ex-Empereur d'Erem Vehyx (ou pas!! x) )

Date d'inscription : 14/05/2008

~* Transitions In Menu and Map *~ Empty Re: ~* Transitions In Menu and Map *~

Sam 10 Jan 2009 - 22:55
This script creates transitions in each Scene of the game, and he fully customized, you can define scene in which they act transition, which will be used to image, which will be its duration and opacity.
Put that image in the Transitions (Create this folder) with the name of Transition1:


Ce script crée une transition dans chaque Scène du jeu, et tout customisé, vous pouvez définir dans quelle scène il apparaîtra, quelle image sera utilisée, quelle sera sa durée et son opacité.
Mettez cette image (regarder le premier post pour l'avoir) dans le dossier Transitions (créez ce fichier), et nommez l'image Transition1

Mettez le script avant main, et, si vous avez un autre script faisait des transitions, mettez le avant.

Great script, that may be cool if it's utilised fine (my bad english ftw Laughing )
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